Advanced Machine Works

How to Verify the Accuracy of Your Tooling System: Tips for Quality Control

A tooling system is only good as long as it is accurate. When we say accurate, we’re talking microns here. Unfortunately, the human eye can only see objects 100 microns and bigger, so robust quality control for tooling systems is vital. 

Every tooling system, however advanced, requires monitoring and adjusting.  Some systems are more flexible than others, making it easier to do this on the fly. In this article, we’ll explore how you can optimize verification protocols for your tooling system. Doing so will result in optimal performance, reduced downtime, and accurate, replicable results.

Know Your System

Each tooling system is unique and will have its own set of requirements. It’s important, therefore, to become completely familiar with your system before undertaking any type of quality control. Take the time to train all team members with responsibility for quality control in each particular system, no matter how much experience they’ve had with similar models in the past.

Schedule Regular Visual Inspections

This may sound basic, but there’s no substitute for the human eye. Tooling systems are prone to wear and tear and require regular visual inspections to check for issues such as:

  • Damage
  • Wear
  • Misalignment
  • Loose parts or connections
  • Chipped cutting edges

These regular checks can nip problems in the bud before they become serious. 

In addition to inspecting the system itself, ensure there’s a regular sampling of products to ensure they meet rigorous standards of accuracy. This could be the first sign that something is not right with your tooling setup.

Measure and Calibrate

To check the accuracy of your tooling system and recalibrate it as necessary, you’ll require the following equipment:

  • Micrometers
  • Calipers
  • Laser alignment tools

These tools must also undergo regular calibration to ensure consistent, reliable measurements. Plan regular checks per the schedule set out in the manufacturer’s guidelines. This will also specify acceptable tolerances and allow you to make the needed adjustments. Some features to regularly measure and calibrate include:

  • Hole diameters
  • Cutting tool lengths
  • Spindle runout

Environmental Control

Temperature, dust, and moisture can all have a significant impact on tooling systems. To ensure that they do not detrimentally impact the accuracy of your system, it’s important to have measures in place to keep them under control.

Maintain Accurate Records

Keeping accurate records of all quality inspections is essential. It can help you to identify deviations and recurring problems and establish a baseline for future inspections. It could also help you schedule maintenance and upgrades and opportunities to optimize performance.

AccuLoc6 Meets the Challenge of Verification

As we’ve seen, quality control is a complex and time-consuming process. However, the AccuLoc6 flexible tooling system simplifies the process while improving accuracy.

Manual measurements are a thing of the past with AccuLoc6 end effectors. Once adjusted, accuracy can be automatically verified with spindle probes and coordinate measuring machines. This limits the possibility of human error, improving accuracy and boosting productivity.

Call Advanced Machine Works today at (918) 884-3750 or contact us online to learn more about what AccuLoc6 can do for your facility..

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